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Showing posts from October, 2010

Is that simple

Oh my goodness gracious,I lost my way,my direction! Where am I standing now? I don't know. I'm just like a loner who is standing beside the lamppost in the middle of night. And there are snowflakes falling through the air. And there are a new moon in the sky. I feel very cold. I feel very inquisitive about who will come out in this middle of night and carry over a jacket for me? I wished to know. I hope that someone is you, is that simple. :)


Argh...I want to shout loudly. >.< There are ''something'' like a pesky mosquito. I m fucking tired. I need a break. ''If you wanna cry,just cry on my shoulder.'' This is the sentence which I wish to hear right now. Everyone tries to study hard.  However, I'm not one of the everyone.  Because I still have a lot of stuffs need to settle and do. What the fuck! For me, year 2 means you can focus your studies well and relax without society matters. But, I can't focus on my studies,I can't relax myself. I already tried to listen soft music to relax myself. Disappointedly, it helped nothing. I m world-weary and easily get tension girl. I want everything settle in short time. I want everything be fast,be hurry. Trials and tribulations, I hoped I can beat you down! I need chillax! I want make some changes!


今天 真得好累噢 睡不够 睡不够 >.< 刚才在FDK做布告栏. 啊~~~做到很糟糕. 感觉没tham帮忙,做到很烂酱. 一边乱涂边偷笑.真的难看到没得顶. 因为真的很难看,所以明天需要tham帮忙改.哈哈 如果我有设计的头脑就好.刚才脑袋一片空白,根本不懂自己在做什么.= = 怎么今天讲的都是关于设计.在班上也说,在这也说.XD.哈哈. 我喜欢画画,但不是生动的画.哈哈.我喜欢做布告栏,但是是中学不大不小又特出的童军布告栏=D 可是有件事让我心里很不舒服 有人问我: 嗯...请问我可以不要进XX会吗?? 我真的不懂这么回答.要回答也不是,不回答也不是.= = 然后又有人问我:我可以进吗?就算没credit hour也不用紧.我只是想了解. 我也不懂怎样回答.我真的不是负责这些的. 告诉我=没这回事 所以,我都是在敷衍. 很烦啊!!!!!!!! 每次都要为了有没有人进而烦恼. 每次都为了通知新生而产生恐惧. 每次都为了会议而一哭二闹三上吊. 哈哈. 可是我是个不负责任的人.我知道. 为什么要取消课外活动拿credit hour? 学校不够钱吗? 要那些没参加的给160吗?那岂不是赚翻?? 要那些辛辛苦苦建立起来的团体毁于一旦吗?? 简直是无理取闹!

Love+ Friend

Oops...Something's happening on my current life...>.< I'm not a steady friend,I know it. I dislike people being a faker or wearing a lot of masquerades. False face must hide what the false heart doth know. Do not treat me as a garbage bin! I m the people who anti-ironist =D Fortunately, I've got a nice boy who has a shaggy black hair right now.XD He always listens to what I say and comforts me. Thanks my bong.=p For me, Love is so beautiful,yet mysterious. Friend is so wonderful, yet miserable. Love is the greatest refreshment in life. Friend is the greatest mentor in life.

I gotta feeling :)

Suddenly, I gotta feeling want to update my blog. Hehe. Let me introduce a video to you. Just go this link :) I sure that you will like it :) Besides, that's worthwhile for you to look at it. Deng Deng Deng... The venue is my hometown-Parit Buntar. The director of this video is David Thian. He's an awesome and quite famous photographer in Perak,Penang and even Malaysia.:) He's also a krian ex-scout :) I still remembered that he always called me dancing queen. XD Then, I like the song of this video too. It's quite special,awesome,and it can be a dancing song.XD Let me share some photos that was many years ago. ;) I was pretty lucky that time. Haha.  Because of my weird face,my nose,my eyes and my deep dimple.  Then, an unexpected things happened on me during that time. But,I gave up the chance of unexpected things because of someone. :'( Now, I quite regret. >.< Never mind, I still got...


肚子好疼.疼得走路都没力.讨厌自己这么无能,这么爱生病! 为什么我这么弱,我恨透这样的自己.='( 我需要温暖的拥抱,把我紧紧抱着,也许病会因此好.XD 爱情,真的一个害人不浅的东西. 说它是东西,它不是;说它是实体,它不是实体. 问世间情为何物,佛曰:废物! 女生的心,真的是水晶.请您不要添加裂痕,甚至亲手把它摧毁. 那是无比的痛. 有人说:分开有不开心的分开,也会有开心的分开. 有人说:无论怎样的分开,都会对女生来说是种伤害. 我只能说:  老鼠对猫说我爱你,猫说你走开.老鼠流泪走开,谁也 没看见老鼠走后猫也流下了眼泪.其实,双方也会不开心. 现在的我只相信: 如果一个男人对你说他喜欢你,请相信他.                        如果他说不再爱你,也相信他.                        任何时候,要告诉自己,一个不爱你的人离开,                        绝对是一种 幸运 . 男人觉得女人够坚强,女人却觉得男人够无情. 有人说:女人善变的是脸,男人善变的是心. 但真的是每个男人都是这样?  不!不是的!女人善便的不只是脸,心也是,只是某些女人不承认. 请珍惜你现在拥有的,与其去捡未来不知的石头,不如将自己拥有的石头磨亮. 我知道,我没资格告诉你这些.但我真的希望你知道,请珍惜她. 请不要认定别人的爱情就是爱情! 别人的爱情轮不到你来认定! 请相信你自己,相信自己的爱情. 对我而言 爱情是活给自己看,而不是给人看. 爱情,是两人之间最深奥的相对论. 当不信任时,其实是你在怀疑自己. 当想离开时,其实是你不想继续. 爱情,不是单纯让对方属于自己的过程. 而是必须在这过程中,发现自己,认识自己. 爱情,是动态的成长,而不是静态的相守. 如果爱情永远停在那原点,你觉得可能吗? 科技变化发达得惊人...

Miss you,my precious friends.

Recently,I've a feeling that I m easily to get tired. Besides,I feel that my bone,my body,my tummy always pain. I also noticed that my stomach is getting bigger and bigger.  My legs become elephant legs too. I saw one article in newspaper before,this mean that you may get cancer. Isn't this a sign of poor health! Cancer? whatever... Maybe I used to think a lot. I m fed up of this world. Everything is just a fake. Everyone is wearing a masquerade,me too. How to survive in this suck environment? I hate it. But, I so miss Jun and Jie them. I still remembered them so nice like an angels,like a sunshine. Jie always bought Vitamin C to me because of my poor health. Haha. Free vitamin C. Jun always kept telling me : hoi,drink more water la. Drink water is for your own good.blah blah blah...haha Yuh,Jun,and Ying set a funny rule that time.That's when one of us drinks water,whole group also need to drink water. Haha. That time,I drank a lot of water because of this rule. XD I sti...


人心难测 人面兽心 人心险恶 人要小心 我想掏出我生动的心 来换取看透人心的机器心 没有感觉 却可以防止伤害 没有感觉 防止感情 人 终究需要残忍 你对别人 仁慈 就是借他人之手来杀自己 我想简单 但世间一切却很复杂 我需要宽厚的肩膀 来宁静我的心灵


无聊的我 玩设计照片 哈哈  题目: 我就是这样 =D 我爱搞怪也爱扮酷XD 但 我也可以 装下下女人味XD 这是我的左右脸 我爱我的侧脸! 我有恋侧脸的怪癖XD 我就是这样咯 傻的我 XD


心情 总是怪怪的 不知为什么 总是觉得很烦 没人懂我 总是觉得寂寞 找个人陪都难 到底是什么怪病啊? 我家最近发生了些事 让我超级不舒服的 那个贪得无厌的 吃人钱的大坏蛋! 我恨不得把他 狠揍他  很想对他说 去英国读书的不是你儿子 而是我 拿名牌包包的不是你老婆 而是我母亲 买东西不用愁的是我家人 不是你家人 该享受的是我爸爸 不是你 那一切 都是属于 我家的 我爸的 终于懂为什么爸妈要我读我不想读的科目 因为要我帮爸爸 如果你抢走那一切  我发誓 我会抢回来 因为那时属于我爸的 真想像妹妹所说的 去喷你家红漆 亏我爸爸这么相信你 我还有礼貌的叫你 真的那么爱吃钱吗? 我就把钱往你嘴巴塞! 我家 不是那么好欺!!!!!!!!!! 我不会原谅你这欺负我家人的大坏蛋! 绝对不会! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...=0 我讨厌他!我恨他!


我只想要 一个简单的拥抱 紧紧拥我进怀里 紧紧地 就好了 拥抱 能让我感到 温暖安全感 哈哈 有些事 变了就变了 有没有一种东西 不能再变了 一直流泪 有什么用 有谁稀罕你那眼泪 又不珍贵 金宝好闷 好想回家 没人陪我聊天 没人听我说话 我最爱说话嘛 终日以泪洗脸( 哈哈,形容词而已,我很坚强,没那么爱哭.;-D ) 也许 使我变了 变得自闭 变得无奈 嗯 我无言 我害怕孤单 感觉 陪伴 我 一下 好吗? 哈哈哈哈 如果有天 有位男生 在众目睽睽之下 把喜欢的人抱得紧紧 让她脸红 哈哈 如有这类男生 你会成功的 所以 如果有这么一天 那该多好 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 可是 我从以前就没这福份 哈哈