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Showing posts from June, 2011


没有人懂  人的面具后面  到底隐藏了什么秘密 每个人心知肚明  一旦拆了面具  也许活得很困难 有些事 你明知道是错的 但你都要认为它是对的 有些事 你明知道是对的 但你都要认为它是错的 每个人的面具都不一样 有些鲜艳的面具  外看鲜艳  其实内在孤单 有些暗淡的面具  外看沉闷  其实内有乾坤 有些开心的面具  外表笑容灿烂  其实内心难过不已 有些骄傲的面具  外表志气高昂  内心一丝丝地寂寞 有些好看的面具说的鬼话连篇  人人都相信  半信不疑 有些不耐看的面具说的真实话语  却被当成废话  没人相信 无论带着什么面具  也许人们看不到  但上帝看得到 不用担心没人相信你  好朋友相信你 人  就是这么不简单 我  说对了吗? 一个面具  会带来不同凡响的人生

【话】 1.人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌. 2.天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光. 3.别小看任何人,不起眼的人往往会做些让人想不到的事. 4.自信的生命最美丽. 5.压力都是自己给的. 6.好人有好报是句假话. 7.学会放弃,更懂得珍惜. 8.没摘到春天的花朵,一样拥有春天.  突然很想跟自己说声对不起,对不起,再也找不回原来的自己..


心情  十分  非常  的  不好! 我很粗心地  删除了最近拍的照片 昨天朋友生日的照片  也被我的粗心  给删除了 Arghh!!!!真的很气自己  ╰_╯ 无奈!!  \(╯-╰)/ 以为send进电脑肯定没问题 哪里知道删除了电话的照片  才知道电脑只收到5张 我又没有backup What the hell!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid!Stupid!Stupid! ~!@#$%^&*(! 真想把头栽进水里  以灭我气之火 又气又不开心 我的回忆照片  没了    (〒︿〒)   Q.Q

If I were vampire ♥ long our life huh? Who knows? lol..I have no ideas about it. I just know it wont be forever. Arghhh...I wish I could become a Vampire. Hahaha. If I were vampire, I would.... marry him  ♥   Damon!! Nope. Is Ian!!! May I? hahahaha... I wish to become your wife. LOL.  I think sure have many Ian's fans are gonna anti-me if they read this post. How crazy I am. Can anyone please just stop me from daydreaming? Laughing* Sadly, I'm a human being.  And I don't wish to marry anyone in my future because of something..CRAP! So, can I be a vampire? Being a human is very tough. Hahahahaha.. Enough!Tan Hui Fen, stop writing crap. Haha. Good night everyone. Have a nice day. ♥


父亲节快乐 Happy Daddy's Day :) Daddy and Mum :) 今年不能回去庆祝父亲节 但我知道只要我没闯祸,就是最好的礼物. 哈哈哈哈哈哈.XD 谢谢您的疼爱. 谢谢您的栽培. 爸爸妈妈,祝您们健健康康,平平安安,事事顺利,生意兴隆,心想事成. 还有我们全部----->合家安康 ^^ 百善孝为先 要记得--孝字很重要. 不能只说不做 祝全天下爸爸妈妈快乐多多,烦恼少少:)

Floating Clouds

Thinking about what? Um.. I just know my life is humdrum. Nothing special. haha. Many assignments and tests are coming soon. I'm afraid. But, I still playing around here and there. Seriously, I have no idea what am I doing or playing. I just like a floating clouds wander around without any goals. Stop dilly-dallying! Tan Hui Fen! You have no time to do such crappy stuffs! Everything changes. They change as fast as the environment change. I hope to meet and know a truly bona fide person. I know it's quite hard. Luckily, I still got you guys. My lovely sisters, seesters, and tarcian friends. You guys always comfort me and cheer me up. If you treat me nice, I'll treat you nice too. Also, I'll never forget you or I'll lend a hand when you need my help. haha. A dark night sky without stars. I'm still doing assignment. How hardworking am I! Good night everyone. Have a nice dream.


I'll just be myself.  I'm trying to forget the baddest things in my life. As I know, worrying doesn't take any pain out of tomorrow, it merely takes the joy out of today. Thus, just fear less, hope more :) chillax! Life is too too short to cry for anything. So, we need to keep smiling or laughing every minute, every second. hahaha...laugh until die? lmao* Today my lovely friend- burger said, ''You are very photogenic.'' haha. So happy when I heard this. How lovely!!! XDXDXD Simple things can make me smile as simple things can hurt me too. I m so weak huh? Whatever :) Keep smiling* :):):)


断掌的女人 是我现在想追得一部戏 主角-欧萱,也是我喜欢的新传媒七公主:) 断掌 并不可怕 可怕的是 不能掌控自己的 命运 我知道忧愁善感的我,看了这部戏 肯定哭得眼泪稀哩啪啦狂流 但我还是决定看 因为-我就是... 有人常对我说,命运或者手掌线会改变 能吗?那就改给我看 命运我真的不能控制 但,能改吗?? 断掌的人-他/她拥有一种可怕的强烈性格 是非观念善恶观念很强-一旦发现别人进行欺诈,就会忍不住大发脾气,非要揭穿对方的欺诈不可 难于跟别人相处-断掌的人性格多疑,很少信任人 对爱情看得很重-假若被伤得很深,他/她也许永远不结婚,真是悲剧性的人物 断掌的女人 很难让她持有女性化的魅力 性格上的坚强,强化了她的独立 自信心充足 为人心直口快 理智, 公事公办 责任心很强,凡事开了头的事,都会咬紧牙关到最后 不善调情, 因此一旦恋爱, 婚姻多半不幸福 已经够糟了 还加多一个--处女座 强迫症,忧郁症,神经病 还好,我没洁癖症XD 多么希望-我不是断掌,更不是处女座 有些人说这是迷信,但当你是断掌,你就会懂有些事你真的控制不到. 你也会懂你的一生会是不平凡的一生. 你不是我,不懂我,就别批评我,因为你的批评,对我无效.

Piss off

Lol. I'm down again. No,no,no..Someone has just pissed me off. I m not down. I-I m so emotional. I mind what you've done and wrote. It hurts a little. Do you know? It just a little hurt, I know you won't care about it. And, I won't mess about this crap with you. What's the meaning of BEHAVE? Be Have? Be Horrible, Asshole, Vampire, or Evil?? LOL...I never thought that this word would appear in my dictionary. It's time to control myself from negative thinking. If I were a Vampire, I'll bite you! Watch your back!


我    醒了 去了一趟很放肆轻松的旅行 我    想通了 我不应该执著过去 不应该执着在不重要的人身上 更不应该让我心中的恶魔来执著我的内心 我    会善待你 我要抛弃我心中的恶魔 不应该由恶魔来保护我 因为这是天使的工作 我    已经醒了 因为天使在我身旁围绕了 : )