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Showing posts from July, 2011


男人要永远感谢在他 20 多岁的时候曾经陪在他身边的女人 . 因为 20 多岁的男人处在一生中最低点 , 没钱 , 没事业 ; 而 20 多岁的女人却是他一生最灿烂的时候 . 也许对某人来说 , 我并不好 . 有人说 : 再放荡的女人 , 也会为一个男生手心从良的时候 , 从此不再越轨 . 而再安分的男人 , 也很难为一个女人收心一辈子 , 其区别不过是心理出轨或生理出轨 . 所以无论女人多放荡 , 底线都是忠诚 . 男人无论如何忠诚 , 内心都渴望着放荡 . 因为多数女人用脑思考 , 多数男人都用下半身思考 . 爱错了人 , 每天都是愚人节 ; 爱对了人 , 天天都是情人节 . 我简简单单地希望你我的每一天都是情人节 . 幸福 , 就是找一个温暖的人过有意义的每一天 . 我会幸福 , 因为我的每一天都有你 . ♥

The Night

The day before yesterday was Tarc O'night. I went there because of some reason. I never attend prom night until I've attended Tarc O'night. It was my first time to wear prom dress with such heavy makeup. LOL. Thursday was a fucking busy day because I only decided to go O'night at 12.15am. What the hell! I din't have a high heel, earring, and so forth. Too rushed for me! There are only a few boutiques at Kampar. Thus, the choice of high heels are extremely limited. Finally I bought all the stuffs I needed with my lovely friends' helping hands. A big THANK YOU for you guys:) Thanks Kky for fetching me went everywhere I wanted to go. Thanks Tham because she chose to skip audit class and accompany me. Thanks Pui Mun for her suggestions in choosing the high heel and earrings. Thanks Ling for her nail polishes. Thanks Panda and Jon for their suggestions too. Without you guys, I sure couldn't attend the night successfully.  Thanks an awful lot! Also, thanks for...

The night

Tarc O'Night. Ehem...It's not a prom night. XD Boy, I 2 You :) Lol...Going to sleep.. To be continued :)


一个咳嗽咳不停的夜晚 几乎要了我的命 熬夜熬出的病 多亏贴心的你 泡了咸梅拮给我 我的喉咙 舒服多了 你的生日 没有蛋糕的生日 可是一个足够惊喜的生日 是吧?哈哈 只可惜 一些照片无端端不见了 喜欢那礼物吗 喜不喜欢不重要 重要是有没有用到 在这宁静的夜晚 我常常想很多 我经常为了小事而哭 我不应该这样 我也不喜欢这样 因为看了我很脆弱 我讨厌那样的自己 我是坚强的 我一直告诉自己 没有人是值得信任的 不要再为不值得的人流眼泪 有些人只是我们生命中的过客 他/她的出卖或伤害 也许是我前世欠下的债 但愿我的债已经赎清了 我希望能避开这些人 能避多少 就多少 因为 我真的累了 请别再挑战我的内线 前天跟陈借来的书 很有意思 但有几百多个心理学 自己能不能学到10分之1都是个问题 我会努力读完 学以致用 经历过这些事情 我真的认清了很多 晓得了很多 我会把我的周围建立很多围墙 不让别人容易侵入 不要被人无辜牵涉 不想再理任何事 我很累了 辉,其实我想听你说 我长大了...:')

His birthday

His birthday is coming soon :) Actually I don't know what to give him. Haha.  I just bought something which is needed by him. Oh how I wish that I could surprise him. :P Love me, love you <3 Happy Birthday, my loverboy-BHH. :D Hey, you're my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. Please do remember, love me truly and treat me nicely.  Then, you'll never regret it:p From THH

I'm bad

Ishh..A lot of things have happened. LOL. I'm bad guy. What the hell!  I should calm down. I can't let myself living under people's tongue. I can't be a sohai.  I'm not a coward. I just fed up of this kind of stuff. Why I want to bother my head about such trifles? Please. We're almost 20 years old. Don't be so childish. Keep your mouth shut and eat your shit! Disappointed. What the hell is going on? Son of bitch! You really pissed me off. I try to control myself. I'm controlling.. I'm the person who like to find out the truths. Now, I already knew about the truths. But, I did choose not to tell and speak it out. I also don't understand why I acted like that! Please! Don't make me fury. No worth for you to do that! That's all.

想把烦恼卷成一团纸 然后丢掉 再来忘掉 失望 非常失望 如果你觉得我这样 那我就是这样 很想丢弃 这份友谊 因为不值得我去珍惜 那样讲我 我很伤 你不是我 你不了解我 就别说我的不是 更不要批评我 我当你是好朋友 你却这么对我 我 失望极了 我会让自己彻底失望 再来清醒 清楚知道 每一样 我不允许它再发生 我不会再让你有机会这么说我 绝不 我不想知道你的事情 我很累 做你的朋友 我非常地累 你的怀疑 你的乱猜 你的话 让我很累 让我伤 让我想放弃这段友谊 每个人都要自保 我这个笨蛋还去保护别人 我还是清醒的 其实我不笨 是因为我太过在乎朋友 过分的在乎 换来的只是伤害 你的事 就是你的事 我不想知道 累了 是你不曾晓得的累


玩了些心理测验 哈哈 好玩^^ 问题:如果去希腊的你,会是什么神? 我竟然是海洋之神XD 跟我的部落格title真有缘:) 虽然我水性不是很好,但我的命格跟水很有缘=p 所以我把自己叫做Daughter of Poseidon=p 问题:你是古代哪位美女? 竟然是武则天:p 没有西施王昭君那么美,可是有个性=p 看历史百科全书说,武则天很好色.哈哈.我也是XD 可是她把每一位跟他睡过的男生都杀了.我却没有那种狠心. 武则天的性格很刚烈.我也是.哈哈 很荣幸. 几个心理测验就可以让我看了很开心.哈哈 虽然不是真的,但我就是喜欢做心理测验. 因为,我想要了解自己. ♥

Devil vs Angel

The photo tells a story. I'm not an angel, I'm a devil. (black one) But I'm a good devil, you're a bad angel. The End.


I'm fucking tired. Yet, I still need to study because of the later test. I'm a very very very lazy girl. I always skip the lecture and tutorial classes. haha. Opps, I can't be like that! I used to think a lots recently. I even want to stop studying and go for work. I don't wish to go advance actually. Psycho huh? I'm crazy. I dunno what I'm thinking right now. I just know I'm very very very tired. Extremely tired. Boy, I need your embrace badly. Good night.


Life is tough. No one knows what will happen next. Weeping doesn't mean it solves everything. Just be tough. As we know, water has no fixed shape. We should learn the nature of the water. Try to imagine yourself as water. Water can be placed into any shapes of the container. In other words, we should try to be tactful and smart. My friend, cheer up.

A wish

Today is a cloudy day. I love cloudy day because it is windy,cool, and nice. But, it makes me think a lot. haha. I always hope that I can run away from this complicated world one day. It's too complicated and it's hard to survive. But, I'm okay la. haha Let's see some photos... Woot! Nice right? Feel free, relax and superb! :) I wished to be there right now. I want to scream as loud as I can! Ahhhhh~ My spirit is soaring...XD I love to be free. I love to listen the sound of the ocean.  I like the crystal blue sea. I like the gently touching by wind. And, there's plenty of fishes in the sea. In short, I love nature. LOL I wish to buy a villa which near the seaside.  If I were a rich girl. LOL. I already set it as my future target. I will make it comes true one day.:) How insane am I. Laughing. I wish to kiss the nature as soon as I can. I know my wish will come true, I definitely know.haha.  I just hope no more troubles no more problems bother me. breathe deeply...