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Showing posts from April, 2011

JB,I'm coming

Good news! *smiling I bought the bus ticket. Haha. That mean I m going to JB on this Friday. JB, I'm coming! ^^ Ur..mmph..actually..I m very nervous right now. Haha. I m getting worried that I cant adapt to the environment, his friends and his lovely family. I'm keep telling myself: Easy,easy,take it easy,Hun :) I started to plan some activities. *giggles. 1.  I want to go shopping.   2. I want go for a movie. 3. I want to be a temporary foodie to taste JB's cates. 4. blah blah blah... hahahahahahaXD I truly hope the plans work. :) Hope I can reach JB safe and sound on Friday :) Have a nice day. :) *smile =)))))))))))


这几天,我一直都在埋头苦干地研究怎样设计blogspot. 我一直换blogspot的背景.哈哈. 上google看了很多部落格,学习学习. 辛苦了我这个电脑白痴昏= =lll 它们的部落格都好棒!好喜欢=) 换了很多背景,换到我都懒惰换了. 我只好承认自己艺术感真的有够力差的=p 现在我的部落格是粉红色的. 其实,我个人不怎么喜欢粉红色.因为粉红色太girlish了. 可是看了很多的blog都是以粉红色作背景. 我这copycat就follow the trend. XD 但小工具我尽量不完全用pink color. 要去oioi了. 大家晚安. 好想念某人- 黄 ♥ ♥ ... 想见你^^

So-called Friends?

I at mt hometown-Parit Buntar now. At this wonderful hometown, I miss my bff an awful lot. I truly hope my bff will not be my past bff one day. Well, it's unpredictable. Nobody knows what's going on in future. Friend is a meaningful word but it's hard to be defined. I feel lucky that I have few seesters. They help me and comfort me when I sad. I hope I'll never lose some of them because friends who understand you are always better than therapist.  Um...however...something happened between us because of ''... ...'' I feel very very very down even I don't know how to describe my 'down'. It's hurt. For me, the hardest part in friendship is saying goodbye. Weeping. I don't wish to say goodbye,you know? But something forces me. I always thought 'friends' are like wine and it gets better with age. But now, oh no!no!no!no! It's like our organs, it gets worser with age.  Many questions and many problems that you never expect to ...


Yay!I m gonna take my braces off. *giggles I want to post my pre-braces looked and bracing look in my blogger now. hahahaha. Oh my! My face looked so round before wearing the braces. However, my friends said I look nice and 'lovely' with the round round face. *Chuckling 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Braces+ING My sharp chin and my braces. *Blink Blink Cracked a smile to show my fugly braces. Holy moly! I looked like a nerd! Idiot too! *laughing Well, I prefer my sharp chin than round face. haha. Because my face can be round sometimes when I smile...Eeeeee :D I hope my teeth will look nice after taking off the braces. Cross my fingers :)

You and Me

Had a nice chat with him yesterday :) Time was short but I felt in the high spirit. Aha! Look, he tried to smile at me. Woot! So handsome.*giggles. Well, this was my fugly looked. = = What the hell was that? You look old when you smile like that! hahaha Don't beat me,don't scold me =p I will do the crab's fucking cute expression for you next time. lmao.XD Night. <3


今天,无意中给我发现这些照片 非主流照片 主题~ 你和我 很特别 所以选了自己喜欢的放在我的部落格 .......................................................................................................... 我喜欢这样:) 会让人脸红心跳 脸红,会比较少 心跳耳热肯定会 .................................................................................................... 也喜欢这样:) 感觉就像荡秋千那种愉快轻松的感觉 笔墨难以形容的感觉 .......................................................................................................... 这个...... 有点假浪漫和搞笑 XD 如果我跟男友做这样的pose 我会笑场!哈哈哈哈哈 这张照片感觉是,彼此都给对方足够的空间:) ........................................................................................................ 这个... 我最喜欢:) 摸我的头=疼我的意思 ^^ .........................................................................................................


Er--Uh.. I just checked out from classic house, my past landlord. Seriously, I'm fed up about their services and systems! Besides, they re ''MONEY SUCKER''! Too greedy. They eat anything. They just like a vacuum cleaner, a suction fan, and blah blah blah. In short, they suck and eat monies! Holy Craaaap! This was my big single room. I already said byebye to em'. A wardrobe, a bed, a table and a chair and a small garbage bin. Do youu know, although youu re non-living stuffs, youu re so lovely.:) Finally, I moved out. Tata! 2376 A/1. Youu re such a good memories for me although the landlord was very bad! Haha yeah. =D


Hola readers! I found that I m too narcissism just for my side face. Well, is narcissism a kind of disease? haha. Who knows. I'm really,truly,honestly and seriously the nonsense person ever! Haha! Yay! Sembreak right now. I m so free. Everyday sleeps and sleeps. I'm living without any aims. Sighing. Life without a goal is like sailing without a compass. And then, I m goin to graduate soon.  I cross my fingers and hope I can graduate without a hitch. C'mon, any tribulations! I'll beat youu down seriously.=p Um..Which pathway should I choose? ACCA or CIMA? ACCA is divided into 2 categories which are AAC and AFA. I'm confused about this. But, mostly, I will choose AAC. Because it's not that stress like AFA although it's not professional enough. I'm always easy tension. I can't face too much stress, if not I will turn to be crazy. I want everyday is my freaking days! Thus, I think I'll choose AAC. Haha. It's cloudy sky now! I lovin it! It alwa...


我考试完了^^ 但,还有一科external paper我懒惰管啦. 今天去电直前面,减了刘海平头. 哈哈.很美=p 这张是电好后还没减,玩下中间线. 有很noob的感觉.hahaha. 我妈妈叫我如果梳这样出街,不要叫她妈妈XD 如果一辈子梳这样,就断绝母女关系. 妈,有这么丑咩??hahaha. 很想念爸爸妈妈 ♥ 眼镜斯文look!hahaha 为了考试,我的脸全毁了. 水痘疤痕,豆豆,让我的脸看了很恐怖. 希望过阵子,脸会好看点.我快毕业了,希望可以顺利毕业,我要拍毕业照啊.^^ 在这里,想提醒大家. 百善孝为先. 记得要常常孝顺父母. 不孝顺的人,不值得人们去尊敬. 父母能把你从小养到大几岁都没问题, 但你能像父母这样养老他们这么多年吗? 你还能养育他们多少年? 父母在世,请珍惜. 孝顺,很重要. xiao孝 也许会改变你的一生. 早安


Exam Tomorrow. All the best and good luck to my friends who are going to sit for the test later. Jiayou! :) Good luck to me too :)

I'm Talking Bad About Someone

Hey guys, look at my face!  A lot of chicken pox marks. It can't be healed. It will be forever. =( Then, I have learned one sentence from Twitter, beauty isn't having a pretty face, it's a bout having a pretty mind, pretty heart, and a pretty soul. Haha. But, I don't have a pretty mind,heart and even soul. I'm sensitive evil =p  Ehem. Recently, I'm fucking bad mood. Please don't mock or judge me if you don't really understand me. When you say something that may hurt me, it may leave a scar in my heart! I will do my best and try my best to pass all the tribulations. I want to warn You : Don't be selfish, cocky and don't hurt my friends and me!  I'm talking about You! Damn! Goodnight!