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Showing posts from August, 2011


Down... Headache... Pain... I'm just like a trash! I just know how to complain this and that to mum. But I never care their feelings. I'm so sorry. I hate being like this. I want a healthy body. Health is wealth. :'(

Birthday 823 part 1

н α ρ ρ ʏ β ι я т н ∂ α ʏ т σ м ɛ 0 8 2 3 这个就是我今年的大蛋糕. DAC朋友去secret recipe买来送给我. 谢谢你们:) 上面还放了我的英文名.谢谢:) 我的生日那天其实是很普通地度过. 收到了很多信息及电话的祝福,我很满足了. 我收到最特别的电话是Ying,Jun,和Jie. 你们三个真的是太了解我了.很想我吧.:P 还有一个大病没打给我的Yuh.我没生气你啦.你一直都是最后一个:) 想你们,爱你们:) 我生日后的一天-824. 那天是我们最后一天考试. 考完后,晚上我们去家好月圆DAC gathering. 我们的最后一次,最后一次聚在一起吃大餐. 好好吃.比东海还要好吃.因为wengli叫的食物,都合我胃口.=p 吃饱后,我们就到处跑到处拍照. 一定要有照片做纪念的嘛. 就当我在跟Buzai讲拍照的事.. 突然!Happy birthday to you..happy birthday...... 我心想很奇怪,谁生日,怎么我不知道?? 然后我望向我的右边.. ............就看到一大群人走向来我这边.. 吓倒!我整个人不知所措就望向我左边的玻璃,好像要逃跑的感觉.哈哈 啊啊啊啊啊啊~~好感动.. 原来那首生日歌是唱给我的. 第一次这么多人唱生日歌给我. 很感动.差点要流泪了.还好我我赶快许愿:P 那天,我们真的玩得满疯. 谢谢你们给我的surprise. 真的是很surprise. 我从没想过...你们帮我庆祝.. 感动..真的很感动.. 谢谢..谢谢你们:) 这是我们DAC女生gang :) 谢谢你们.其实还有很多,只是我没把照片放上来.. 真的是很难忘的回忆. The unforgettable memories will be etched in my heart forever. Thanks for giving the birthday surprise. Take care everyone. All is well for your future. I love you guys.. ♥

Goodbye Kampar

2 years 4 months.. I have been staying at Kampar since 2 years ago. Sometimes I will back to my hometown although it takes time:) Today is my last day at my hostel-D404. I'm having a weird feeling now. Um..What kind of feeling? I think..I think probably I hate having to leave this place.  I think not hate, is loth to leave.  This is due to Kampar gave me a lot of unforgettable memories. Some of us are going to advance diploma but some are not. I'm an emotional girl. My eyes fill with tears easily. I'm going to miss this place soon although I used to hate this place. In this place, I met a lot of ''animals''. haha Cute one, pretty one, beautiful one, mad one, crazy one, insane one..blah blah blah.. They're very important friends. They cheer me and care me when I need them. They have accompanied me 2 years 4 months and all of us have tasted the sweets and bitters, ups and downs of kampar's life. Indeed, they have brought me a lot of memorable time. ...

No title

My birthday is coming soon.. Emm..Birthday? I totally don't have that mood. Happy Birthday to me tomorrow.. Baba mama sisters I miss you..:') Arghh..I'm so down recently. I have gone through a lot.. I still have one more test to go.. I really like a madwoman.. Cried and weeped.. I...really, truly, extremely delicate.. A long period of worrying make me in the prostration of mind and spirit. I cried and weeped because I worried that I might get appendictis. However, blood test and urine test showed positive..= =lll Luckily, I no need to take operation. I don't wish to take operation again. It's nightmare for me. :'( Here I need to say A VERY BIG THANK YOU to my lovely friends or future housemates.. Trist Tan, Tham Tham, Kou Jia En and my loverboy-Bong Han Huei. I really apprecaite what you guys did for me. Thanks for everythings..Thanks :) You guys stilled my fears..Thanks again :') Today is a special day for someone-Stephy Hui Ying. Ha...


上天 如果真的是 请求您给我多几天的时间 我要考完试 我尽我能力 请让我多五天的时间 我不想辜负我的家人 我求您了 我求您了 ....................... V_V


人 是会变的.. 一星期?一天?或者是一秒之内.. 好想念爸妈 在家是多么的温暖 出来是多么的险恶 我真的需要改变我的想法 我那命中注定的性格 我那古老的想法 Totem pole需要很多 好累 我不想玩游戏了 除了累,不懂怎样形容我的心情了 一切安好

往往你相信的人 是不值得你信任的 往往你怀疑的人 却是值得你去信任的 我的世界 如此复杂 我的烦恼 我的压力 接踵而来 爸爸就对我说: 心平 路就平 心宽 路就宽 我要学会控制脾气 学会原谅伤害我的人 因为讨厌人 很辛苦 从那天起 我已经不想说起你的事 我也不想拆掉你的面具 因为要对付一个假的人 不是骂他打他或者讲他 而是让身边的朋友自己发觉 然后对你说他有多假 心宽,路就宽 我放下了 如果你要继续,那你继续吧.. 因为我不想再继续了 安

The worst

I'm at my hometown now. My sweet home :) Extremely happy to see my family especially daddy and mum. I miss 'em an awful lots. I forgot what is 'down' during that moment! Home sweet home :) I feel super duper relaxed in my home. Duhh..I do what I want, I do what I need. *chuckling I am far away from that complicated area. Yay! Here's the question. What's the meaning of friend? Practically, I'm not very understand with it. Well, I just know a real friend will give you what you NEED, not what you WANT. A friend who gives you what you want is just an ass-kisser. Crappy! This is my point of view. =P I've gone through much things recently.  My mind is fucking clear. I'm not a fucktard, please. We're only human, you can't read my mind, I can't read your fucking mind too. Thus, it's fair. Don't try to defame anyone. Keep your mouth shut and eat your shit. That's all. Don't make me fury. Good night =p I know I'm bad. But, y...


写给某人:) 不懂他会不会看到 今天看到了某些照片 第一感觉就是很惊讶 第二感觉就是很疑惑 第三感觉就是很欣慰 我的直觉很准的 我知道什么事:) 我只希望你幸福 没有放不下的感情 也没有放不下的人 这全靠自己 祝你找到对的人 好好珍惜 加油:) 感情 是掌握在我们的手中 是你的 就是你的 怎样也逃不掉 祝 天天快乐 BHH,你是我的,我也是你的.520=D


不论晴天 雨天 都是好天 我总是相信 雨过晴天 但 是不是每样事都能这样 ? 我不知道 水到渠成 水滴石穿 我总是相信 水落石出 但 是不是每样事都能这样 ? 我不知道 善有善报 恶有恶报 不是不报 只是时辰未到 我总是相信 因果报应 人种什么因 就得什么果 在我心里 上天是公平的 我虽然不是 absolute 好的人 但至少我不是absolute坏的人 我人很直 就是因为这缺点 吃了不少苦 我只希望我的人生简简单单 不希望 那么复杂 很累 我在什么地方 ? 我不知道 . 只想逃离 只想逃避 只想一人走在微风徐徐的海边 不去理会世间风尘 不去理会小人坏人 不去理会烦琐小事 只为寻找我的快乐 ... 加油 .. 昏 ..