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Showing posts from May, 2011


活得有点累了 想要睡 一直睡 不想醒来 世界末日 可不可以早点来 我累了 我想永远沉睡 想念爸妈 想念姐妹 想念朋友 我真的累了 请不要挑战我的内线 我是脆弱的 我需要被保护的 我.真的累了.

You and Me

One year anniversary.515. *chuckling Mm-hmm...I never had this anniversary before. So, it's extremely special for me :D Don't laugh at me =p Ah-ha! I was wearing zebra-singlet which bought by his mum :) Snazzy outfit huh? Sure la! It was chosen by me. *laughing Huh? What's he doing? haha. He's a total clean freak. I thought just Virgo will have serious mysophobia only. haha. I was wrong! I'm Virgo but I like dirty because...I lazy to clean stuffs. Lol. We went pizza that time. As you know, kampar is not a big city.  Luckily, it still has Mcd, pizza, kfc, zhu cheong fan, and so forth. Kampar has a lot of delicious food. But we chose Pizza. Idk why. haha. Mushroom soup. He 'looked' handsome that time,right? haha Gee-whiz! I was dating with a loverboy. How lucky! HahaXD We went Pizza Hut by motor. Haha. How romantic! =D An important day cannot without a memorable photo.  He said I looked like a doll in this pica but he looked so 'qiu sui'. haha. Bhh... ...


多半个小时 就是某个重要日子了 你与我 一年了 ♥ 一年 日子过得还真很快.. 一年了,我们都是在一起的 酸甜苦辣都经历 一起渡过很多关 接受 你的臭脾气 忍受我的神经病 谢谢 ♥ 很抱歉 这次 没给你惊喜 但 我还是会跟你去吃大餐的 ♥ 请你不要懒惰 男生suppose要给女生惊喜的 而不是女生给男生 哈哈 懒惰是感情的威胁 因为它会让对方以为对方变了还是什么的 所以,请无论如何都不可以懒惰 要保持新鲜 处女座很独爱新鲜感的 要知道别人的三分钟热度是处女座的一分钟热度 哈哈哈哈哈哈 ♥ 我真的不希望你买东西给我 那是浪费钱的 顽皮的我 已经识破了你的计划 哈哈 我就知道你会那样!!! 存你的钱for your future. 不要乱花钱买东西 知道吗? ♥ 嗯~ 我们能在一起能多久 我不知道 顺其自然就好了 但你要好好珍惜我啊 I still can hang up and sell with a high price. XD 哈哈 ♥ 我也会珍惜你 我喜欢你 姓黄的 名汉辉 :) wo ♥ ni

Skype with JJ♥

*Laughing~ I'm so happy today. No words can describe my happiness actually. haha. I just have a skype with my chums - Jun and Jie. Jun has been staying at Aus since March. So, the main character is her :D At first, I felt nervous because I never chat with em' in skype. Jie called me no need to be so nervous la. haha. Jun's busying. ( Chatting with his bf- zushen) Lol. She said she rushed him to hang off because we more important than zushen. Jie and me kept spamming at the chat box and perli her. haha. After that, Jun's calling Jie and me. Woot! When I heard their voice, I shouted loudly! I was extremely excited. Even Bong gets shocked why I shouted suddenly. hahaXD I miss their voice badly! No,no, I miss em' badly! ♥ *Boffo! Rap a little nonsense. But, Jie's line was not very stable at that time. So she always hang off. Jun asked me can we just ignore Jie for a while,let's video call. Howww....sweet..I saw Jun.  Her hair so long. Also, she looks ...


今天心情都很低落... 电话没电也懒惰充电... 害得很多人打不进... 不好意思//(-_-) 晚上十点多. 接到一通电话号码很长很长的电话. 让我很惊喜.真的.为什么我不开心,你会碰巧打来,而你都会聆听. 让给把所有事情都吐了出来. 轻松了很多. 谢谢你,很多很多. 在电话里,吐了好多烦恼. 眼睛也湿湿. 那人还说如果有机会的话, 会带我背包旅行环游世界. 他现在有在储蓄. 会对我好什么什么的. 哈哈.听了不是很信,但至少很开心. 安慰到我笑了:D 说了以前很多事,还有最近的事. 酸甜苦辣. 很久没褒这么久的电话粥了. 脑袋清晰很多.也知道自己想做什么. 不需要理会别人喜欢不喜欢还是讨厌. 还有,不用买东西给我. 我自己其实可以买的. 还有,我还是我. 不是那种爱打扮girlish的我. 舒服多了. 谢谢你:) 就是在读我的blog的你

I'm lost!

Mm-hmm..I have no idea about what I have done recently. I keep dreaming or thinking about something disgusting and something freak me out! I totally look like a psycho. What the hell is going on? What can I do? Also, I really like a impotent sap. Tell me, please. I'm lost. I need help. Well, it sounds like a crap. Sighing...

Birthday Gilr-Rou

Ħ α ρ Ƥ ʏ β ι Я Ƭ н ∂ Δ ʏ   R O x a N n E И ɢ χ Ɩ И Я Ѳ Ʋ Happy sweet twenty,girl. \(´▽`)/   You're no more pokpok cui. ƪ(ˇ▼ˇ)ʃ You're 20-year-old girl. Also, you're older than me now =p Teehee. We seldom meet each other, but we have remained in contact after we graduated from secondary school. She's one of my bestie that I'll never forget. ╭(^▽^)╯ Thanks for everything :) Wish you have an amazinggg day. Hope all your dreams and wishes come true. xoxo  ♥ you Ħʋи


29.4.2011 8.15pm 我到达JB巴士站-Larkin 小黑与他姐姐来载我 很开心因为...........:) 过后,'回家'吃肉骨茶:D 好吃 吃完后,就去V&O跟他的好友喝茶:肥陈,老板,老鼠,碧欣,Vincent等等. 聊天内容很多XD 过后回家睡觉... 只能说,JB的生活太多姿多彩了...:D 30.4.2011 我睡到12点多才醒来.哈哈. 很不好意思的咯. 这天早上下午没什么节目. 某人在家睡到像只猪酱XD 晚上才有节目 去吃一间不知道叫什么的cafe吃.面包很难吃.而且还是halal的.= = 所以不想知道店的名.XD 过后又去V&O喝茶. 这天多了两位帅哥和一位美女:阿黎,Elaine,阿龙. 聊天的聊天,玩电脑的玩电脑. 过后...就去(大歌星)唱歌. 期间,我弄伤了小黑的脸...害到他脱皮. 对不起..请不要放在心底.我不是故意的.下次,我会注意的. 唱歌真的很爽=D 我很喜欢唱歌,但很害怕在别人面前唱.XD 如果能跳舞,那就更棒了^^ 3点多,我们去mamak吃. 五点才回到家 天亮了= =lll  冲好凉后...马来经都开始了.XD 1.5.2011 劳动节 一样,我睡到两点才起床.  而且发了一个很真实的噩梦.关于第三者的出现. 我生平最憎恨第三者.更不会想去做破坏别人感情的第三者. 在梦里,我哭了很惨.还好wilson,55和kky的出现. 我以前的感情很不顺利.现在,我不希望有什么类似的事情发生. 你要分手可以,但不要因为有了别的女人来跟我说分手. 因为那是最痛苦的. 这个梦一直缠扰着我,因为那第三者我认识的. *sighing... 某人骂我傻.做梦的不是他,是我. 你不会懂那种感受. 因为那种感受是被撕裂你心的感受. 你真心付出却换来残忍的回报. 这...我经历过... 午餐在一个鸡饭店吃. 其实,我连鸡饭的饭都不可以吃因为它是由鸡油煮的,蛋也不可以吃,但没办法,不可以那么不礼貌,更不可以让人觉得麻烦. 在南部,生水痘只戒口一个月,但我们北霹雳是要三个月. 可是我什么都吃了.结婚过却生了孩子的人生了水痘不戒口,没关系. 但对于未婚的人来说,没有戒口真的不好.后果自己想想就知道了. 我不是迷信,我妈妈也不是,她只是为了我好所以才叫我戒了三个月. 可是,我什么都吃了.身体...