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Showing posts from March, 2010


请您不要害怕别人不喜欢你 是因为你跟我走过 只要你真心喜欢别人 就不要怕她不喜欢你 得到了就要珍惜 而不是玩弄 不要再当我是笨蛋或是玩具 我的心脏负荷不了你的伤害及残忍 你应该了解我的状况 以前的我可以选择原谅 选择不计较一切 但现在不一样了 因为我不是笨蛋 如果是真心喜欢一个人 是祝福 而不是占有 更不是一直来询问我 怕找不到 你从来 也没有真心喜欢过 加油 是给你 祝你找到好的 =) 人要学会洒脱 更要学会收放自如 ♥


终于有了选择 我不是你的晴空 我好了 我会学会停止说你的名字 关于你的事 关于你的东西 我已经一步一步把我的心拿回来了 =) 我有一班很好的朋友 关心我 逗我笑 谢谢他们 一共有超过10个 全部都是有问题的 所以才能与我沟通 哈哈 谢谢你给的回忆 虽然残忍,但有美好的=) 哈哈 只有我了解 这幸福感觉 美得值得去付出一切 能够遇见你认识你喜欢你爱上你 感谢我每滴眼泪 昏,加油^ ^ 祝大家开心每一天


其实对于爱情,越单纯越幸福。 一生只谈一次恋爱是最好的,经历的太多了,会麻木; 分离 多了,会习惯; 换恋人多了,会比较; 到最后,你不会再相信爱情; 你会自暴自弃;  你会行 尸走肉; 你会与你不爱的人结婚,就这样过一辈子 。


I m getting suffer... Who can help me... I need a shoulder,I need a hand,I need a hug too... :'( I dont want get any hurt from you. Enough already,guy.

Hitman Reborn ^ ^

Recently I m chasing an animation=Hitman Reborn. Got funny and cute and handsome characters XD I love it so much ^ ^ and many nice songs=D


Ish...No mood... But after chatting with friends,feel better.=D Thank you,my lovely friends.=) Many things happened... really extraordinary... = =lll Rush my assignment! Jiayou for me!Yeah!Go Go Go! Good night everyone.=D

Madwoman,I am.

Hrm... Dont know want to write what..? Just can say nothing-to-do with me right now. hahaXD Recently, Thanks my friends so so much. Always make jokes with me, always play poke with me, always share some interesting topics with me, always study together, and always make me laugh until I shy.>_ hahaXD Stop thinking of you. You re no worth for me again to think about you. Bad egg! And thanks to my blogger friends and msn friends. Although many of you know nothing about my recent. Miss you all so much.=D haha... I m really a madwoman.XD I can be sad for one moment and you'll see me jumping another second.


我承认 我不美 也不可爱 也不特出 身材也不好 脾气也很坏 性格像男生 没有魅力 气质也没有 更不是很有钱的人 头脑迟钝太笨 还有人说我是坏女孩 会害人 但 他们不知道 我有一颗害怕伤害别人的心 还有一颗处处为他人着想的心 宁愿自己是受伤 宁愿自己是坏人 也不愿去伤害别人 容忍的人其实并不笨 只是宁可对自己残忍 把自己推向深坑 自己再一步一步努力地爬上陆地来 这就是我的原则

To Kampar Friends

今天 真的是最搞笑最气朋友的一天 哈哈 是我有史以来 生气朋友 生气到那么开心那么搞笑 哈哈 也许 Jason说得对 因为我们大家太了解对方 不会隐瞒秘密 也知道朋友需要什么 更没有一颗伤害彼此的心 出来 就一起出来 从来不会遗漏任何一位 我喜欢这种感觉 这种让人觉得自己不曾被忽略的感觉 自己很重要的感觉 少了谁 就少了意义 谢谢你们 让我体验到 我其实很重要 因为没有我 你们根本找不到笑料 哈哈哈 我爱你们 真的


Finally, I know how to play Cho Dai Di.haha. Before learnt it,I knew nothing about it.haha. Can fight with friends in Viwawa now.haha. Thanks my lovely friends who taught me gambling. You all so bad but cute.haha. Everyone asked me why your blog sounds so sad. Hrm... Ya.I m sad.My mood fucking down. I wont be a liar. Cause,I hate FAKER! But I refused to tell you the story that actually had happened. Sorry,my friends. Let me voice out my dissatisfaction.. Thanks. You! You feel happy or not is none of my business. But,I m 100% sure that you re very happy ING. Whatever, this is nothing to do with me! Be friend? Laugh my ass off! Can you hurt your friend so deeply? Bull Shit! Am I insane? Yes,I am!

First Post

Results came out. CGPA dropped, luckily no subject fail.haha. What's wrong with me? Why my face looks so pale and seems sick. Why my mood so down...? My friends always sing 'The sky is falling down,yea~wu~' Thanks them a lot. They really care me,love me, and help me. And, Thanks to those who care me in msn.Thanks a lot. =) Now,I m in sad period. After that,I going into no sad no happy period. Last, is happy period. I have nothing to say. Just wish you happy enough. I gave you my HEART ,you gave it away and dumped it and never cherished it. I m trying to take back my HEART as fast as I can. I wont let my HEART get any hurt to save me from tears. Over and The End. I m fucking mad. Why I so so stupid...? Fuck!