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Showing posts from July, 2013

His birthday

This Thursday, 18th of July, was his birthday. I didn't give him anything because I didn't know what to buy for him. Also, I didn't celebrate with him..I couldn't go Liverpool. How sad... I'm so sorry, boy.. I am busy with my presentation and test..  Um...whatever.. Life is short, just live it.  Yet, I did a video for him. Video making is a very time-consuming matter. Do you believe I used 10 hours to make a 6 minutes video? Haha. It's truth. I needed so much time to complete the video because I'm a computer illiterate. What a good experience!  I did put the songs he likes and the pix I like in the video. I like the video very much. How about you? =) Assignment groupmates have been changed.  I miss my previous groupmates.  We are the most relaxed group ever!! We discussed our asgm with joyfulness and we tried our best in every presentation. This is so-called teamwork!! =) I'm glad to meet you guys =) I'm so tired. I sleep at 4am everyday==||| Jet-lag...


I miss my family and my lovely friends an awful lot.. The weather is 12 degree Celsius right now. I'm feeling cold but I'm kinda enjoying this weather. I don't want hot weather please!  Sheffield is a very nice place. I love it very much. You can always see the people around you with smile on their face. They have a good culture. For instances, they say 'I'm sorry' when they block your way or say 'thank you' with a smile when you walk away just not to block their way. You will always listen 'hi', 'sorry' or 'thank you' everyday in Sheffield. If this situation happens in will figure out some Malaysian are lack of respecting others. No sorry, no thank you. LOL Sheffield has a lot of gardens. The gardens....whoa!! greenish!! I love it. The air is fresh and it feels like there is fucking much oxygen to breathe. Also,  one thing I have found out is some animals in UK are quite fat such as cat, dog and pig...


在英国三星期了.. 舅舅头七也过了几天.. 过去了也过去了.. 舅舅..请您一路好走.. 我们爱您.. 很开心很骄傲有您这舅舅.. 最近 可能天气太干.. 我应该是缺水.. 然后很累.. 一下子就入睡.. 然后不想醒来.. 希望情况得以改善.. 这是第二次去逛街的收获 我花了其实满少的.. 这里衣服都便宜过马来西亚.. 尤其是那些名牌.. 但花了更多在吃的.. 如果可以的话.. 我以后养老时,我会想来这里养老.. 这里空气清新.. 很喜欢.. 每个星期都有annual report要看 还有presentation在每个星期五 以前觉得做asgm很辛苦很压力 但现在觉得虽然很忙但我很开心 因为学到很多在马来西亚学不到的 好累..要去洗衣了.. 晚安大家.. 我想你..黑先生..:')

舅舅 一路好走

眼泪不停地狂流 走在路上 一路的寒风 也吹不干我的眼泪 我来英国才一星期 我就收到了舅舅的死讯 我不懂如何控制我的情绪 原谅我的不孝 我不能为您戴孝 杀人是要填命的 上天 如果你是公平的话 请保佑警方可以捉到凶手 我不能做什么 我一个人痛哭 除了哭泣 我不知道还有什么做 外婆还要白头人送黑头人 家人本来想隐瞒我 隐瞒直到我回来才告诉我 不... 不要隐瞒我 告诉我 我不想回去时 我说我要找舅舅 你们的脸满是眼泪 舅舅 您对我说过 您希望我能去英国读书 回来找份工作 来报答父母 现在我能去英国了 您叫我买东西送你 我答应了 可是 为什么就不能等我回来 三个月多而已 为什么? 再也听不到你的声音 再也听不到你的笑话 再也见不到你 对不起 原谅我的不孝 对不起 舅舅,一路好走.. 我永远记得我有位很疼孙子的舅舅.. 有时候 生命真的容不得我们来规划明天...