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Showing posts from November, 2012


这是我第一次 一起与我家人和loverboy去旅行 算旅行吗?哈哈 第一天 到了泰国-合艾 在某个街道帮他拍照 LA YENG~ 晚上 我们去水上市场 Floating Market 站在Sampan旁边 我们 ♥ 他帮我拍的-拍照技术真差 他喝着椰水+陶瓷器. 他很惊讶为何这么便宜.20 THB=RM2. 我们 ♥ 我的妹妹 和干儿子 ^^ 去Lee Garden那边热闹的街走走 买了芒果糯米来吃-一定要吃的小吃^^ 我们还买了泰国小吃SOM TAM回来酒店吃-好吃^^ 在Hotel时,他拿着泰铢自豪地说:我是百万富翁了= =lll 我们无聊 自拍 我们 从来没旅行过 这是第一次 =) 当我是人妖 塞钱给我>_< 在Hotel真的很无聊 扮鬼拍照 在旁的妹妹 都摇头XD 我很开心=) 第二天 这莲花很神奇 我每次去都会拍她 她都是开不同颜色的花 这次是黄色=) 爸爸去了寺庙 妈妈叫我带他坐Du Du车到处走 第一次坐Du Du的他-Kawaii!! XD 他竟然笑我妹妹自拍= =lll 吃泰国Mcd.猪肉的.吃到嘴巴都像猪'@' 泰国的BarBQ Plaza! SHopping到累了 在等待爸妈来广场载我们 临走之前,妈妈介绍新的餐厅的Tom Yum.天啊!辣死我!! 完全顶不顺>,< 就这样 两天一夜的旅程结束了 带你体验了 部分泰国人的生活 布施 供僧 然后喝Kopi O 吃好吃的Roti Canai 其实吃了很多小吃 只是懒惰拍照 因为时间急促 我们没有去别的地方玩 下次如果有机会 一定带你去瀑布 去Songkla 去Pattaya 去Pattani 还有很多其他的州 然后带你吃 更好料的 晚安 ♥  


Life is supposed to be relaxed, isn't it? I'm just like a cloud floating in the sky without knowing the next direction. I need wind to tell me, to motivate me and to show me which direction I should go. Who's the wind? Who can become my mentor to guide me? I'm demotivated by something. I'm lost! I'm dunno where should I go. The situation I'm having right now is just like what we have read during F5- The road not taken! I wish to give up everything but I'm not allowed to do so. I'm fed up! I'm freaking down. When can I learn to pick myself up? I'm fucking immature!


I'm standing at a place which called 1057. In short, I'm lost (1057). I don't know what should I do now. I don't have a clear mindset. Everything swings like merry-go-round. They keep me fainting. I have a fancy for reading but I don't like to study for examination. What the hell is examination?! It hurts me! I almost get killed! Examination is just like a heartless vampire who sucks human blood!Bloody hell! Well, I have just finished my shit internal exams. I couldn't believe I am still breathing. *Bitter smile* This is not the end. I still have to sit for the external exams. Luckily, I just chose 2 out of 3 subjects. I just need to study 2 subjects but it's difficult to understand and memorise these 2 subjects too. Why I can't enjoy studying?  Perfectionist?  Is it I set everything too high?  Um.. Yes, I am and I did. I wanna learn not to set everything too high. I'm learning. Urg! I wanna scream out loud! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!...