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Showing posts from January, 2012


突然想写这篇文章 我有双凤眼,我的下巴有点尖,脸有点消瘦. 我没带眼镜时,我的脸看起来很凶很骄傲. 还记得,人们说我心机重. 凭我的样貌还是凭我的讲话方式? 我也不明白,也不介意. 我呢..我承认我有心机.重不重呢,这要看人. 心机,哪个女孩没用? 只是少或重. 至少,我没心计. 心计,是深谋远虑,计划害人的. 这,我不会有. 还记得前两个月,有位有缘人,我称他为uncle. 平常我很害怕看到他,因为只要心里想什么,在担心什么,他都懂. 那天,他看着我妈妈,我,还有姐妹们. 他突然看着我妹妹说:''你的心很硬,比石头还硬,别人生死你不管,你可以谁都不管,但这样不好.很冷血啊你..'' 然后他对着我说:''你就跟你妹妹相反,你的心很软,比你妈妈的心还软,你有一颗很慈悲的心,你很善良很孝顺,但uncle很奇怪为什么你命会不好?'' 然后,他向着我妈妈说:''你这个女儿,你要珍惜,她比你其他女儿更懂得珍惜你.'' 妈妈听了,带着微笑点点头. 还有很多长辈都认同.^^ 当时,uncle告诉我们,百善孝为先. 我的眼睛红了..流了..uncle问我为什么流泪.. 我说因为别人看了我的外表都说是奸还是什么.但您看透我的心里,还称赞我. 他笑笑说,别在意,一切都会过去. 命不好没关系,我已经很感动,有人会这样称赞我.:') 新年期间,去了泰国.. 领悟了很多.很多很多. 谢谢师父们,Uncle,家人还有青梅竹马的开导:) 我要敞开心胸.. 接受一切.. 因为我会努力做到,你说我,我不悲也不气..

Specially for you

Jan 19,2012 and 4.55pm.. That time, I was at Medan Gopeng bus stop. I received a message from someone. Someone I din't meet her for long time. The message's details were something I never expected. *sorry, the message is a secret. I got shocked that time! I was thinking it was just a joke. But many things have proved that the message was not a joke. Do you know? My tears was sheding. My tears fell down because of you. I thought I will lose you this best friend forever. I know I was too emotional. But I just couldn't control my feeling. I still asked a stupid question : Are you still my lovely XXX? You replied me,'' Sure, I'm still your bestie, I'm your forever bestie. Forever. You know how touched when I saw this? You still told me it will not affect our friendship, you will keep contact with me. Do you know, I wept when I was talking with tham on the phone. Both of us can't accept it..I really truly can't accept it..:( But one thing you made me fe...


Entertainment--->Tetris :D It's the game I play everyday. The unspeakably nice! I'm addicted to it. *Laughing!! A psychologist said a person who feels upset will turn to be happy in short time if he or she plays tetris. Thus, as a student, we should play this game everyday to relieve our stresses. Hahahaha Happy Holiday ^^ Happy Chinese New Year ^^

Everything's hard

Advanced diploma, you're too hard for me.. You're a stumbling block in my study life. Because of you, my face fulls of pimples. Because of you, I vomited 3 times yesterday. Because of you, my tears always shed. Because of you, I think my parent will feel disappointed on me. Because of you, I'm trying my best to study everything. I have tried my best, I tried.  Frustratingly, I din't do well in my final. What the hell is going on? I'm not expect for what, I just want to pass all subjects. It's a little wish, isn't it? I hope my wish will come true, please. I feel terribly sorry to my family, boy and friends. I have no idea what should I do right now. Can I give up outright? I'm really tired and even fed up with this kind of study life. Meaningless life.. Speechless.........