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Showing posts from March, 2011

It's all about me.Recently.

How about me? Dang Dang Dang Dang.... It's all about me..XD 我好了.水痘终于好了.不知不觉,一个月了. 一个月内,发生了很多事. 很多八卦咯.好的坏的,通通有.哈哈哈哈哈. 想对那些关心我,告诉我学院发生什么事,曾经照顾我的,我想说: Arikato!谢谢你们:) 这是最近的我. 带着肥陈rayban的眼镜.几像明星下下.哈哈XD 很不好意思的咯,天天拿她眼镜来玩. 啊~好想去做一个有度数的gucci墨镜. 可是我要买smart phone,又要买bag,我看...很难实现下. :( 这才是真正现在的我啦,上面那张是要假的啦. 带着隐形眼镜,拿着电话,其实真正我想说的是:我跟着tham,annie&renn买了一个很girl的手机吊饰. 很不适合我咯,哈哈,还是红色.XD.可是不知怎么,就是喜欢它吊在我电话:) 你看,我的脸上好多CP marks.一坑一坑的.没办法,手太痒了.XD 不美没关系,心美就好.XD.(我很恶毒的!我天天想打人,骂人,骂粗话,害人...哈哈) 在hometown,妈妈没空煮时,我就是靠着''杯粥''的...XD 妈妈从泰国买回来了很多,当然是猪肉的咯.很好吃=D 好想念妈妈煮的食物...:') 妈妈,想你:) 爸爸带我们去penang烧香拜佛:) 过后就去Seberang Prai Jusco走走. 我逛了很久,却没看到我喜欢的运动包. 那边的Jusco还真够烂!Levis都没有!我想去Queensbay啊~ 最终,没买.在厕所,跟我那有家暴,想杀人的思想,恶魔的,10A's的妹妹拍照. 恭喜她获得了10A's.利害^^ 抱歉,无能的我,以前带着失望给你们.但,我会努力的:) 啊哈~她带了荣誉给我们家,看到爸妈开心的笑,我的开心,是笔墨难以形容的! 很开心,有个聪明的妹妹:)祝她获得奖学金然后出国:D 这是我刚才吃的.特制SAMBAL跟我最 酱油参在一起.XD 然后有猪肚,猪肉圆,都是我爱吃的...XD 其实这些sambal和猪肚那些都是从碌碌买的.饭是另外买的. 没办法,我什么都不能吃.吃了两粒蛋,就被爸妈骂到........................ 哈哈,好.我忌口,...

Think before you do everything

This 2 I copied from my senior's blog. Do not believe those message which mentioned about the acid rains will affect Asian. It's not true. Please don't make the unnecessary panic or restless feeling to others.  Please think before you post it and double confirm with the information before you copy and paste it. Thanks :) And,pray for Japan.God Bless!


I'm in the low spirits. A lot of tests are waiting me to sit. A lot of assignments I haven't finish and hand up. A lot of chicken pox marks on my face. Goodness gracious! Damn it!

Bless me;)

Oh Hi...readers... Not everyone knows my recently. lol. I'm so lucky because I'm falling in love with Mr.Chicken Pox . Thanks for those who sms me, fb me, fb msg me and phone me. I appreciate it a lot.:) About Mr.Chicken Pox ..... People said IT comes out once in your life,but, IT came out TWICE in my life. IT left a few of scars on my face and body. How sad! But, I can't blame how itchy of IT . I just can blame my hand because it always scratches IT ! A lot of food,I can't eat! My favourite NAKE GUN BURGER ,sushi,chicken chop,mcchicken,KFC,and............... Weeping...I miss my nake gun burger so badly! I din't step in Vegas this sem for once.>.< I need to 'keep my mouth' for 3 months. I'm fucking suffer when thinking of that...= =lll Hope I can recover soon. Hope I have a great day soon.God Bless :) Good night^^

Happy Birthday,Fen

\ Dang Dang Dang... Whoa...Who's she ? A lenglui? A ghost? A witch? Or an Ah Gua? hahahahahahahahaXD Dang Dang Dang... She is.... She's my lenglui bestie - fen ♥ . We've got the same name- fen ♥ . 2-3-2011 was her Big Big Day. But,I couldn't celebrate with her and buy the gift for her because I'm falling in love with chicken Miss those times  WE  gathered together.. You,Qian,Ang and me. We played around with the snacks and kept taking the photos. I seldom meet you and even gather with you and Qian, but you always help me and console me when my mood down down. I'm still remembering ...I cried on the Xiao Za Bo me. hahaXD Twenty -year-old fen. All the best to you. Wish you happy always, smile always on your sui sui face. Stay sweet with Camtree . Don't bully him ar.XD May all your dreams come true . And, I LOVE YOU too. ♥ hahahahahahhaha... Keep in touch . Good Night^^