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Showing posts from July, 2010

DO NOT hurt me

Yuck. Headache again. :'( I think I'll get sick soon. Recently, I'm in the blue. I think it is because of PMS. I hate PMS! May you get out from anywhere of mine? Please! You're killing me. Just now,my mind has flashed something about Dota. Haha. If could,I hope I could be Medusa. Why?? Haha. Because I m bad, insane, weird and mad woman. I hope I got Medusa's eyes. I will tempt my enemy to look at my eyes. Then, make them become stone. How bad I'm! I m dangerous girl. XD Be careful. If you're my good friend, you'll know actually who I am. If you dont know me, but you just simply listen to what other people say about me and judge me, I wont care it. Because I understand deeply about   comeuppance. So, I'm trying not to do anything hurt or bad things to other people. Because I know the feeling of hurt and sad.  So, please DO NOT hurt me. Because I never hurt you. If you hurt me, I m okay. Just bless you wont be hurt by others. Night.


烦恼+压力+低落=??? 很多考试,很多assignments. 还有很多比成绩的人. 为什么要比成绩? 因为竞争才会有进步?还是觉得我很烂? 想要怎样就怎样,因为我不是为了成绩而活. 在学院,随时随地都要耿耿于怀. 因为有时连一个无关表情或一句话,都会让人觉得很假. 有时真的没读书,也要说谎说有读咯. 如果你说: "我只读一点.." 那你就惨了,那是会被人说假. 所以啊...做什么讲什么真的要经过大脑. 我胸部已经很小了,脑不可以没有. 今天一回家找asgm的资料. 也许找到的不一定有用,但至少我用心花了整个晚上都在找. 到现在,有时觉得自己很没有用. 感觉自己什么事都没做,是这样的吗? 想找事做的时候, 可能怕人做得不好. 很多人以为我很厉害.= =lll 我利害个屁? 利害说: "我要放屁了." 有时想请教功课,却怕别人说你假不会或者说你笨. 我就是这样,害怕这样.也许我无能我懦弱. 听某朋友说: "有些则会利用你的缺点来打击你." Walao...当然希望这种人不会出现. 人啊...好特别... 我啊...压力到发疯到想烧完所有的书! 近来,特别爱吹水,为的是抒发自己. 不是每个天天挂着笑容的人,都是开心的. 不是每个好动热情傻傻的人,都是开心的. 人的心情 是复杂的.


Sighing... How bad luck am I recently. Financial accounting,cost accounting,entrepreneurship,and basic taxation re going to fail in this sem. I m so frustrated about all these subjects. I got a few sentences wanna say to those subjects. ''Ehem, hey, books, may you fall in love with me? Or you need me kiss you everyday so that I may fall in love with you?'' Speechless...I m gonna crazy. Em...Actually I m such a insane girl. : p Sometimes, I really dislike some of the snobbish guys. May be I m too care about those things that may hurt me or related to me. Just hope, I will not get any failure in my test and examination. Hehe. I just went back from Ipoh with my DAC friends. We have just watched  The TWILIGHT Saga : Eclipse  . The movie is really stupido fabulous fantastical!! Cool. I like Jasper this actor. He is very nice-looking and man. : D * hmm...I hope I could be Vampire too. Haha * Jasper and Alice. So match. I love both of them : ...

愿,您一路好走...Rest In Peace..

前天,星期四,当在fb看到一则信息... 鼻子一酸,痛苦了起来... 我小学朋友-她...她...因意外严重送进医院... 然后不久就出现很多R.I.P的字眼... 我看到我真得无话可说...哭倒在小黑怀里... 一直哭一直哭 连书都读不进了... 小学时,虽然她大我一岁,但我们却去同样一个补习班... 我们还坐在一起...补马来文...她很好动,很爱说话... 最深刻的印象,就是我们的脱鞋是一模一样,只是尺号不同... 有次,我们都穿错鞋子回家..过后,打给他才知道我穿到她的鞋,她穿到我的鞋.. 妈妈便带我去他家换... 不久过后,认识了她的妹妹...跟我一样是童军.. 中学的她,长长的头发,大大的眼睛,还有一直挂在脸上的笑容... 就算因为某某事而伤心,她始终以微笑示人... 有段时期,跟她妹妹他们那一班都很好... 有听到他们家里兄弟姐妹的事... 在中学,偶尔跟她说说笑.,. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 我一回到家乡,就坐着Senior Wah Ching的车跟盈晶和欢一起去... 扬跟盛在那儿等了我两个钟了,都是火车的错! 去到那里...我鼻子很酸...但我没哭... 看到嘉憔悴的样子,眼睛肿肿的样子,好心酸... 我不敢看她的遗容,我怕我会哭 ... 看到欢眼睛红红的样子,我知道她跟我一样都想哭出来... 听着心酸,闻者流泪,看者心痛... 唯一让我觉得可贵的是...洁容和慧莹还有Kelvin一直陪伴着嘉... 做嘉弟弟的保姆... 上天,为什么您这么残忍...她才刚二十岁,她还没结婚,还有很多事情没有做.. 为什么要夺走她的生命!为什么要夺走她的青春她的未来! 我想象不到当她从天台掉下来的那一刻,有多少画面出现在她脑海眼前... 她那时懂她会就这样离开大家吗?她懂吗?她不懂,只有上天,您懂... 为什么...要一次又一次伤害她的家人,她的朋友...以前的打击不够吗? 失去家人的痛苦,失去朋友的痛苦,那是无法形容的痛! Spain快开始踢球了... 我的心情还是很低落... 想起这件事时,鼻子就会算,眼睛就会红... 人,要学会珍惜身边的人. 不要因误会而朋友破裂. 不要因小时而吵裂...

Guitar Hero

Grinning =D Let me introduce something that I found from my presentation.  Da lang ~~~ It is impressive and cool, isn't it? It called GUITAR HERO.. A plastic guitar :) Used to play game :) Let us look some video about how amazing and creative and innovative it is..hahaXD I wish I could have one. XD It is freaking cool :)