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Showing posts from December, 2016

Stop Being Negative❤

I used to be a negative person I used to grumble about my life Thoughts of suicide, had once appeared on my fucking mind That was a most stupid thought ever  I tried to banish it and I did it How I did it? Answer: YOGA. The practices of Yoga helped me to take back control of my life It eases my mind It saved my precious life You never know how miraculous the yoga is until you try it Negative thoughts would ruin one's life It may steal or break your happiness for the present moment  and maybe...future It may hurt your family, your relationships and everyone who cares about you We do read a lot of motivational and inspirational quotes from social media sites but not everyone remembers the quotes and applies its true meaning We can't live a positive life with negative mind Most of the people are guilty of living our lives in the past Stop dwelling on the past  We should appreciate PAST for all the lessons given and let ...


在这个平凡下午 忽然想起了这个部落格 好久都没更新了 时间跑得比任何东西都快 一不小心就改变了很多人事物 我都芳龄25岁了 却还不知道自己想要的是什么 我长大了 却没有以前的勇气 我长大了 才知道人生迷路真的很可怕 我长大了 才知道自己没以前好动了 我长大了 才知道自己没以前拼了 我长大了 真心朋友越来越少 我长大了 我身边的过客越来越多 我长大了 我学会了接受和拒绝 我长大了 才知道健康很重要 我长大了 才知道时间很重要 现在的我 还没开始工作 我还在想 上天到底安排了什么样的工作 我真的能胜任下一个工作吗 我一直知道上天很疼爱我 我很感恩我是那位没有被上天放弃的 或许 我曾经失望 但我知道上天有他的理由 我期待 上天给我的安排 我知道 上天要我成为怎样 我们都要把自己照顾好 好到遗憾无法打扰 ❤