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Showing posts from January, 2013


Done my asgm! Yay!! Next is my presentation. I'm gonna wear formal tomorrow. Practically, I like to wear formal very much as I'll look like a professional :p Hope everything goes well. What the fuck! Period pain is a cruel killer. It is torturing me. No wonder I felt headache last night. It's a sign.=.= Aiya, M, why you always come before my exam? It's unbearable. Pain! Pain! Pain! Today is a weird day. I was sitting alone in the canteen. Then a not-so-bad-looking guy came and sat in front of me. He asked me a lot complex and weird questions. The questions was about you, your friends, your bf, your bf's friends, your ex, your bf's ex. What the hell was that?! LOL I couldn't catch him sometimes as he has a difficult-to-understand accent (Indian accent). So funny man. Then my friends came and they felt weird as I was chatting with an Indian. LOL All of these made me thought of my loverboy that time as m y loverboy ...


Studying ACCA is a bittersweet period. Yet, I'm not the member of ACCA. I'm just a student. Holy shit! I'm about to graduate. I wish I can go England!Paris!Italy! Bloody hell!! ''Untahanable''!! This sem is my last sem in Tarc. Audit test is held one next Tuesday. Lack of time now. hm..hope..I can pass and even better. BoBi Bobi.. God, I need your bobi.. Have to finish my asgm and presentation asap. Hope the presentation on this Thursday morning will be successful. Hope everything goes smoothly. Alas, why I have so many HOPES? = .= God bless! I'm having headache. I need a rest badly. Asgm,I'm gonna beat you down. Night..:)


最近 好累 可能迟睡又睡太多 压力开始大了 脸上的青春痘放肆地POP出来了 不是很喜欢班上的人 感觉上他们都很自私 差不多两年了 我还是这么觉得的 一起在这个班上 但大家却是分散的 不像以前在金宝 跟隔壁班都是一伙儿的 在KL很讨厌做asgm 但在金宝却满喜欢 可能team的人不再一样 这边的人都很随便 这么大了 还写point form 还写人山人海的英文 我读了快吐血了 我的英文不是很好 但我不会写那样英文在我的formal presentation里 讲了就给我使脸色 竟然删除掉那些有问题的part Hello! 不然你干脆删除整份更好 我的脾气很坏 我EQ很低 分明就是挑战我的极限 我不是领导 但为什么好像是领导 我厌倦了 不要什么都问我 因为我什么都不懂 可是如果是好朋友问我没关系 如果是你 hng! 可以不要跟你一组吗? Fuck! 原本以为朋友可以互相帮忙 就问看有没有答案可以直接参考 但她妈的告诉我notes可以找 你以为我不懂吗? 我只是没有多余时间去找 我的信息告诉你我会抄你答案噢? 干nia neh! 我做asgm从来没有笨到直接copy paste 从来没有! 自私自利的人 真的让我跌破眼镜 都是跟'他'一样那种人 气死我了 每个人都没有时间 我也没有时间 好多东西没弄好 鼻子都快酸了 反而是一位在英国的朋友帮了我好多 谢谢你:") 没有你的帮助 我都不知怎么办 谢谢:") 我一定要告诉自己 要冷静 要冷静 现实的残忍 人类的自私 真的狠狠刮醒我一巴 我不可以再这么谦让 我不可以再这么大方 我输不起 有天 我要现实的残酷刮醒你几百巴!


Recently, nothing happened as I let go of the past. I feel bloody good as I need not to bother so much trifles. It's like I woke up from the nightmare and then I found out that's just a dream. Also, I've been trying to change myself since last year. I wanna become better and better. I'm glad that I have some crazy friends to cheer me up when I encounter some distress. They're like the candles to light up my life and to show me which road should I take. Haha. I'm quite busy recently as I need to study hard everyday. I need to pass all the exams. As you know, how badly I want to go UK !! Bless me:) Wish me luck:p Good night:)

A new Year

A brand new year..2013!! In retrospect, I found that my life in year 2012 was full of stress and  unhappiness. The fucking tedious study life which always has many tests and exams. Oh my gosh! Looking back, I'm fucking glad that I'm still alive. Haha. Also, in year 2012, I did realize many things. I'm not a good problem solver. I used to run away from mess. I chose a way to settle the my biggest mess. I was extremely sad when I decided to do that, I had no choice. Stupidly, I cried in the room like a psycho went crazy. The worst cry ever in 2012! Well, I'm thankful that it's over. I'm feeling better and better now. There's no worth for me to bother 'em anymore. "God, why do you treat me this way?'' I used to ask God before. And now, I'll never ask this stupid question again. I believe God always helps me to take away my pain and protects me from future hurt. Sweet comes after bitter, happiness comes after sadness. =) If you feel sad, ...