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Showing posts from November, 2011


Give up. I want to give up everything I have. Desperate life... Tears shed comes like waterfall.non-stop.. I hope someone can let me voice out my trouble. Listen to what I say without scolding me. I'm fed up with this kind of life. I'm pessimistic girl. I don't know I'll do what kind of thing on next. I hate myself..


Friendship and Love. Does everybody can balance both of them? No, no one I think. Normally, most of people said that there is no worth for 'em to make friend with a person who just cares about love. Um.. I don't quite agree with this. This is because once you fell in love, you will definitely act like that too. I am a girl who always having problems between love and friendship. Lol. I admit I can't handle very well. You can't blame me what. But, I will not forget those friends who treat me truly, heartily and sincerely. Also, I will be very nice to them. I will not hurt them. :) I am very loyal to my friends. You call me zip my mouth, I zip. However, surely you will lose my trust once you cheated me. I just wanted to share my thoughts. No offence. A true friend will not purposely neglect you, trust me. There must be a reason. And I think friends are not supposed to accompany you everyday, they also have their own personal space, right? So, plea...

Out of control

It's undeniable that I love you so much. Our love story is unspeakably sweet. But, I afraid of something. I'm worried that something will keep hurting our relationship. Why? Why I'm so timid? I hate myself. I hate so much. I'm a psycho. I need a treatment urgently! My mind is out of control.......


有时在想 环境会不会改变一个人? 有时在想 坏境会不会改变友情或爱情? 其实 坏境真的会改变以上所示. 如果可以 我希望我从来不来 我讨厌自己心里复杂的心态 我讨厌自己压力而喘不过气的感觉 我 讨厌我自己 我 很坏 我一直伤害着我的家人我的爱人 我 真的很坏 上天 为什么你让我遇到他 却在多年以后告诉我一个我不想听的结局 我是多么地崇拜你 欣赏你 可是就是因为你的一句话 搞到我今日神经兮兮 伤害了无数人 什么叫顺其自然? 我真的做得到吗? 有时在想 活在这世上 很累 很累 很累


最近的我 喜欢上了齐豫 他的声音 多么美妙 天籁之声啊 最近的我 喜欢上了佛歌 平静了我的心 慢慢镇定了心魔 这首歌 我找了很久 终于找到了 我最喜欢的佛歌 哈哈 觉得我很老古董 跟妈妈一样 爱唱老歌 爱听佛歌 希望心魔会消失 我要努力 啊!!!!!!!!! ^^


活着真累 担心这个 担心那个 害怕这个 害怕那个 我好累 累得所有东西都想放弃 很想去三角洲 被吸入异度空间 消失在这个世上 有时想走进森林 看是不是真的有世外桃源 这个世界 我活得真得好累 好累 好累 时间 不可能后退 但可不可以停住 我好累 我想休息..了..


我心中有个恶魔 我要战胜它! 我不要它来控制我 应该是我控制它! 你跟我滚出来!! 不允许你再伤害我的人! !!!!!!!