First thing I would like to announce is... My eldest sister just got married. Happy Married Life, Tan Hui Ping! We'll always support you no matter what you decide to do. Do always remember there is no place like HOME. HOME is your shelter, your reliable warmth, and always open to you. =D My mum and my sister. Our family resemblance is strong especially our dimples..haha But, this pix did not show our resemblance. :p Mum and Shura, I miss you all so much. =') How great if you all were here, then the feeling of loneliness would have disappeared. I'm fucking miss you. =') Did you guy get shocked?! Haha Yea.. I went clubbing with this funny-gentle-fishball girl. We went 1 Altitude in Singapore with free entrance. >< We went Altimate club (Level 61) and also the Altitude Gallery Bar (Level 63). Imagine standing on the tallest point of the Singapore, you could experience like standing on the top of the world. Dalang~...